United Ag recognizes the importance of being involved in our local communities and takes pride in being a valued neighbor. In 2014, we sponsored the new El Campo Little League Field. Over the past 10 years, United Ag has donated over $400,000 to various local organizations and causes. We are always here to offer a helping hand to our customers and community.
Youth Fair
Each year United Ag sponsors local youth fairs including but not limited to the Wharton County, Matagorda County, Jackson County, Victoria County, and Colorado County Youth Fairs. United Ag takes pride in supporting exhibitors at the sale of their projects to reward them for their hard work and dedication. Throughout the year, United Ag employees offer their knowledge to the youth as mentors for their fair projects.

In 2018, United Ag rolled out a revamped scholarship process. Scholarship applications were sent to all high schools in our trade area for counselors to distribute. The requirements to receive a scholarship are to be a graduating high school senior, a child/grandchild of a member or employee of United Agricultural Cooperative and turned in the application by the deadline. United Ag was excited to award eighteen $250 scholarships to the local youth in 2023.
United Ag maintains membership in the following cooperatives to provide its members the flexibility of other economically beneficial offerings they may provide:
- Cenex-Harvest States Cooperative
- Cooperative Finance Associations, Inc.
- Gulf Compress (cotton warehouse)
- Jackson County Electrical Cooperative
- Plains Cotton Co-op Association
- Triangle Cooperative Service Company (insurance)
- Valley Co-op Oil Mill
- Wharton County Electric Cooperative
Other Associations
Other associations that United Ag maintains memberships in to help expand our knowledge base for our producers and/or advance agricultural related issues:
Cotton Warehouse Association of America
El Campo County Chamber of Commerce
Industrial Foundation of America
Jackson County Chamber of Commerce
Matagorda County Chamber of Commerce
National Cotton Council
National Grain and Feed Association
National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives
Sorghum Checkoff
South Texas Cotton and Grain Association
South Texas Country Elevators Association
Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council
Texas Agricultural Industries Association
Texas and Southwest Cattle Raisers Association
Texas Corn Producers
Texas Cotton Ginners Association
Texas Cotton Ginners Trust
Texas Grain and Feed Association
Texas Grain Sorghum Producers
Texas Soybean Producers
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Victoria County Chamber of Commerce