About Us
United Ag has four grain handling facilities with a total of 6,373,000 bushel storage capacity. We are a federally licensed warehouse facility and primarily handle corn, grain sorghum, and soybeans. We voluntarily apply under the US Warehouse Act; therefore, we are required to follow specific requirements: such as licensing, auditing, bonding, liquidation, and civil penalties. We are licensed to provide producers protection for deposits of commodities and ensure stability of the warehouse operation. Another added benefit is all employees responsible at the scales are licensed operators. Furthermore, the scales are certified by Bastrop Scale Company, which is licensed by the Texas Department of Agriculture. Since 2011, United Ag has been certified each year by the Office of the Texas State Chemist at One Sample Strategy. This means that employees have been trained and tested by the Office of the Texas State Chemist inspectors to properly sample and test corn for aflatoxin. All United Ag facilities are equipped with dryers to ensure optimal moisture levels of the grain.
El Campo Elevator
El Campo Elevator was originally purchased by El Campo Farmers Co-op in the 1960’s. The current capacity of this facility is 421,000 bushels. Our High Caliber Deer Corn bagging operation was established here in 2015.
912 E. Jackson Street,
El Campo, Texas 77437
Hillje Elevator
The land where our Hillje Elevator sits today was once a gin owned by Hillje Farmers League Society. After the merger of Hillje Farmers League Society and El Campo Farmers Cooperative construction began on the grain bins. It is now the largest capacity of the four, handling 3,290,000 bushels.
967 CR 304,
El Campo, Texas 77437
Danevang Elevator
Danevang Elevator was originally built in the 1920's by Danevang Farmers Cooperative Society Inc., the first cooperative in the state of Texas. The current capacity of this facility is 2,233,000 bushels. One million plus of this was built in 2015 in the form of flat storage.
11338 S. Hwy. 71
Danevang, Texas 77432
Port of Victoria
Port of Victoria facility was built in 2004 after Hurricane Claudette (2003) destroyed the Farmers Gin of Port Lavaca. This facility has access to UP/BN rail as well as barge freight. The current capacity is 429,000 bushels.
1000 FM 1432,
Victoria, Texas 77905
Customer Opportunities

Grain Elevator Locations
El Campo Elevator
912 E. Jackson St.
El Campo, Texas 77437
Hillje Elevator
967 CR 304
El Campo, Texas 77437
Danavang Elevator
11338 S. Hwy 71 Danevang, Texas 77432 979-543-6723
Port of Victoria
1000 FM 1432
Victoria, Texas 77905
Meet the Grain Departement
Business Office
911 S. Wharton St. El Campo, TX 77437
979-543-6284 Office | 979-543-9004 Fax
Lindsey Bowers
Grain Merchandiser & Hedger, Ext. 1206
Denny Krenek
Grain Customer Service Specialist, Ext. 1204
el campo ELEVATOR
912 E. Jackson St. El Campo, TX 77437
979-543-1415 Office
Cole Klimitcheck
Grain Operations Manager
Port of Victoria Elevator
1000 FM 1432 Victoria, TX 77905
361-578-4674 Office | 361-578-5809 Fax
Joe Kelley
Ag Export Manager